Four-Week Illumination | Airport Transportation Included

With Angela Sanchez Rioz, Marina Sinti Reategui and Teobaldo Ochavano Lopez

Package Dates

Date and Time Details: Program begins on Sundays with an airport pickup at a hotel next to the San Jose (SJO) airport. We will provide you with hotel information in your confirmation email. We recommend arriving the day before, but if arriving Sunday, please book your arriving flight to land before 8 am. You will return to the airport the following Sunday by 12:30 pm. Please book your departing flight to leave any time after 3:30 pm. Transportation (land and ferry) to Soltara Center is included in package pricing.

Location: Soltara Center

Address: Playa Blanca, Paquera, Costa Rica

  • Double Shared Suite (2 King Beds) – $8,932.00
  • Private Couples Suite (King Bed | *Price for 2*) – $17,864.00
  • Private Single Suite (King Bed) – $13,972.00

Ready to Start Your Journey?

We are honored to share this opportunity with you and would love to have you join us for this special experience!

“Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.”

– Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

Sometimes, we just need an opportunity to step back, reset, and recalibrate.

This may take time.

This may also take distance.

Always, this takes the right environment and context to align towards your highest good.

In many spiritual cultures and philosophies, such as shamanism, Buddhism, and Taoism, periodic fasting (often in nature) from environments, people, and routines is considered necessary to maintain inner harmony and balance, and to continue along a spiritual path. In such practices, a month is not an unusual amount of time.

Today, many of us live in a fast-paced world, with the speed of technology and instant gratification of the Internet insisting that we keep up. Taking time and space away from the things that demand our attention, energy, and time has never been more important for our overall health and well-being.

“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

As such, we are honored to provide an opportunity for our guests to step away from the complexities of day-to-day life, rejuvinate the body, mind, and spirit, and focus deeply on their intentions and their process. Surrounded by the lush flora and fauna of our seaside haven, we offer a loving, nurturing sanctuary for your deepest restoration.

Let us handle the logistics, so you can have peace of mind and the opportunity to experience the full spectrum of healing modalities we offer, making the most of this 29-day/28-night program while saving you some money too.  This package includes 15% off the per-night price as well as free transportation to Soltara from a hotel next to the San Jose airport (SJO) – together, saving you anywhere from $1,000 – $3,180! You’ll be greeted by our trusted transportation service professionals for a journey through the beautiful rolling hills of Costa Rica to Soltara Healing Center. You’ll also enjoy a 90-minute ferry ride across the Gulf of Nicoya.

After a warm welcome and brief tour of our center, enjoy a family dinner prepared freshly in our conscious kitchen, and begin your retreat of connection, healing, and medicine.

Your stay at Soltara includes:

  • 16 ayahuasca ceremonies with highly-experienced Peruvian female & male Shipibo healers (see our sample weekly schedule)
  • Intimate group sizes (maximum capacity 20 guests) with individualized attention from healers during ceremony
  • High facilitator-to-guest ratio with skilled facilitators who have combined decades of experience working in ceremony and helping guests through the healing process
  • One-on-one consultations with our healers (and translator)
  • On-site integration workshops and sharing circles
  • All meals in our conscious cuisine kitchen, prepared fresh daily from organic, pesticide-free, local sources in an ayahuasca-friendly manner
  • Transportation to and from the pick-up location near SJO airport (details in your confirmation email and on our travel logistics page)
  • Yoga classes for all levels throughout your stay
  • Pranayama breathwork and meditation sessions
  • Floral baths with medicinal plants lovingly prepared by our healers
  • Nature immersion and multiple walking trails in one of the most abundant & biodiverse regions on the planet
  • Access to our creative space for music, art, writing, and dance
  • Access to our private on-site pool
  • Air-conditioning in all rooms
  • High-speed WiFi (although we encourage all guests to disconnect as much as possible!)
  • Lifetime 10% discount for all return visits
  • Participation in our premiere integration program and community with a highly qualified integration support team
  • Access to two semi-private beaches with gentle waters along the gorgeous Gulf of Nicoya


Taking advantage of our package pricing can help you save on accommodations, transportation, and logistics. Our month-long program is designed for your optimal ease and comfort, so you can free your mind to focus fully on yourself and your experience.

We look forward to having you with us!

Morning meditations on the Soltara stardeck
Morning meditations on the Soltara stardeck



We are called to serve medicine in sacred ceremony with integrity, humility, and compassion. By creating a safe space and working only with experienced, well-intentioned healers and facilitators, we uphold the lessons of the medicines and build a foundation of mutual trust, authenticity, and respect. We are not gurus, preachers, or enlightened beings – our healers are maestros who humbly transmit the knowledge and healing energies of the plants, and our facilitators are devoted to helping guests face, process, and explore difficult experiences and emotions, handle projections, manage expectations, and surrender to the process. We strive to uphold the highest integrity in everything we do and be a beacon for responsible, safe, and ethical practices, such that our guests feel safe and supported to get the most out of their healing.


About the Teachers

Angela Sanchez Rioz

Our master shaman, Angelita Sanchez Rioz, comes from a very small Shipibo community called San Francisco close to the Ucayali river, near Pucallpa. Before dedicating her life to the medicine she was an artisan who would sell her art around Peru, which she makes in her free time to reflect the essence of Shipibo culture. […]

Learn more about Angela Sanchez Rioz

Marina Sinti Reategui

Marina Sinti Reategui was born in the Yarinacocha district of Pucallpa, in the Ucayali region of the Peruvian Amazon jungle. She is the daughter of Elias Sinti Magin Doña Exilda Reategui, and her grandmother and mother were both excellent shamans. She learned the medicine work of ayahuasca from her mother, and works with her husband […]

Learn more about Marina Sinti Reategui

Teobaldo Ochavano Lopez

Teobaldo Ochavano Lopez was born in the Ronuya district of Iparía, in the Ucayali region of the Peruvian Amazon jungle. His father, Teobaldo Ochavano Mahua Doña Luisa Lopez Maynas, was the first bilingual teacher and shaman in his community, and his mother used plant medicines to cure and heal. All of his grandparents, on both […]

Learn more about Teobaldo Ochavano Lopez

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